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We would like to arrive at a computationally simpler formula for the function
that computes the sum of the first n consecutive like pth powers. Clearly for zeroth powers, ![]() For p = 1, we desire a formula for the sum ![]() of the first n natural numbers. The first few sums are ![]() These numbers are known as the triangular numbers because they are the number of dots in the following isosceles right "triangles": ![]() The explicit formula can be obtained by a simple geometric interpetation: The numbers of dots in the triangles are half of the numbers of dots in the following rectangles: ![]() So the nth triangular number is n (n + 1) / 2, and we have the identity ![]() For second powers, there is no obvious geometric interpretation. The sequence begins: ![]() It's not too difficult to guess the correct formula, especially if we suspect that it is given by a polynomial in n, as in the p = 1 case: ![]() In general, we may suspect that the sum of the first natural numbers raised to the pth power is a polynomial in n of degree p + 1. If this is true, then on a case by case basis it is possible to find this polynomial for a given p (for example, by finding an interpolating polynomial to the first p + 2 points). However, it would be more enlightening to find a closed-form expression for the sum fp(n). Without foresight, one approach to this is the following: Record the expressions for several low values of p and look for patterns. By interpolation, we find: ![]() There are no obvious patterns in the larger factors, and the irreducible quartic factor in the formula for p = 6 is somewhat foreboding. Let us change our view of these slightly and look instead at the fully expanded polynomials: ![]() Immediately we notice some patterns: The leading coefficient appears to be 1 / (p + 1), and the coefficient of np seems to always be 1 / 2. By clearing away the variables and putting the coefficients in a table to line them up (ignoring the zero constant term 0n0 in each case), we see some more structure: ![]() Several columns are simply 0. The coefficient of np 1 is evidently linear: p / 12. It turns out that the coefficient of np 3 is given by a cubic in p: p (p 1) (p 2) / 720. In fact, for even k the coefficients of np + 1 k are given by a fairly simple polynomial of degree k 1: ![]() The product ![]() Let Bk be the (signed) constant appearing in the expression for the coefficient of np + 1 k. Note that the zero columns in the table of coefficients imply that for odd k > 1, Bk = 0. With the exception of understanding Bk, we have arrived at the following conjectural formula for fp(n): ![]() It turns out that the coefficients Bk are simply the Bernoulli numbers: ![]() Furthermore, we can even bring the first two terms into the sum if we include a factor of (1)k to take care of the fact that B1 = 1 / 2 while the coefficient of np is 1 / 2:
To write the expression (2) more concisely, we now define Bernoulli polynomials and explore some of their properties. For p ≥ 1, let Bp(n) be a polynomial in n of degree p satisfying
This defines Bp(n) up to its constant term; we define its constant term Bp(0) to be the Bernoulli number Bp. We call Bp(n) the pth Bernoulli polynomial, after Jakob Bernoulli (16541705), who discovered them in his attempt to find the general formula for sums of consecutive powers. The first few Bernoulli polynomials are ![]() One property of the Bernoulli polynomials is that ![]() where "Bk" is to be interpreted as Bk. (We do not prove this here but simply take it from the literature.) Then considering fp(n 1) rather than fp(n) puts (2) in this form: ![]() or Bernoulli's form,
Of course, this wasn't Bernoulli's approach. Bernoulli noted that since the Bernoulli polynomials are defined by (3) up to a constant and ![]() then we must have ![]() for some constant Cp if fp(n) is a polynomial of degree p + 1. For p ≠ 0 we may redefine fp(n) as ![]() so that fp(0) = 0. Putting n = 0 in (3) gives Bp = Bp(1) for p > 1, so for p > 1 ![]() This again gives (4).
![]() Assume that (4) holds for n. Then ![]() by the definition (3) of Bp(n), so (4) holds for n + 1, completing the induction. |
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